We have a book that often read to my children..."are you grumpy Santa Claus". I bought it to teach my son, who oftentimes is MORE than a grump, how to manage his grumpiness. I love to read the book to my children, and they think it is hysterical when santa burns his tush, trips over a bowling ball etc. But they think its so sweet at the end when, after all the bumps in the road, a child has left him a nice note with cookies (or tookies as sadie says) for santa. And it ends with "when people do nice things for you, the grumpies dissapear".Are You Grumpy Santa Claus
I've been having a major case of the grumps lately. And yesterday while at work, i was fishing thru my ridiculously crowded bag trying to find something, and came across a note...my first surprise note...and it couldn't have come at a better time. From my husband, written on the back of an envelope late at night while i was sleeping and he put it in my bag thinking i'd find it the next day...well because my bag is a trash bin, it took a couple days...But I'll tell you, my grumps disappeared instantly. It was so sweet, and just what i needed!
I'm looking forward to 2010, especially bringing it in with my sweet husband.
Happy New Year!
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
4 days ago